04/01/09: I have reversed the order of the material for weeks 13 and 14. So, I will be presenting the last two weeks of seminar.
03/19/09: I've posted Mike Titelbaum's new paper (still just a draft) on our syllabus (weeks 13 and 15). It will play an important role in the last few weeks of the seminar. I've also posted the full paper version of Field's paper on the normativity of logic (week 15).
03/18/09: The notes page is now up to date (including all handouts and an updated schedule of presenters). And, I have added an interesting new paper by Adam Leite to our readings on skepticism.
02/11/09: I have added some readings on "Inference to the Best Explanation" to Week 4. Specifically, I recommend van Fraassen's Bayesian critique of IBE, which argues that IBE does not contribute to epistemic probability relations in the way that would be required to undergird Vogel's argument (in the context of a debate with Fumerton).
01/28/09: In light of today's discussion (which I found very useful, thank you!), I have made a couple of minor amendments to my notes for week 2. We've got volunteers now for all weeks (including next week, which Michael Hunter will be doing viaSkype!). Also, I have posted a neat paper by Tomoji Shogenji, which argues that "degree of justification" is not (merely) probability, but is also sensitive to probabilistic relevance. That opens the door for the sort of amendment to Fumerton's Principle of Inferential Justification (†), which I discussed in class today.
01/18/09: I have decided to restrict enrollment in the seminar to graduate students only. Please make sure you buy a copy of the text asap. Our first meeting will be largely administrative, although I will make some remarks that are relevant to the first readings (which are on closure).