Jennifer Saul: So interesting! I wonder if these arguments could be extended to lots of other flawed terms, including e.g. slurs. Then I also wonder about phrases that make it harder to accurately make sense of our world, like make America great again. Sandy Goldberg: link to Ravit's handout: Catherine Hundleby: I just wondered if you had a technical conception I was not aware of. I think in the argumentation literature that deliberation mostly concerns courses of action, but I think it should be more broadly understood that Its used to make up ones mind, for instance. Thanks for a super interesting paper! Catharine Saint-Croix: Can you say a bit about how you think inquisitive reasons relate to curiosity as a distinct intellectual virtue? Are inquisitive reasons a kind of curiosity as well as a kind/aspect of courage? Many of the details (eg, distribution of labor) you point to seem at least as related, if not more, to curiosity as they do to courage.