04/16/10: I have posted the readings for next week. There is a handout from Niko, and some background papers by Niko.
04/16/10: I have posted the readings for next week. There is a paper by Buchak, and background readings from Good and Buchak.
03/23/10: I have posted the readings for next week. There is a paper by Kotzen and a paper by Pryor.
03/18/10: I have posted a really neat forthcoming paper by Federico Luzzi on knowledge from ignorance (specifically, on the principle I was calling "Conservation" in my notes from week 6). I wish I had known about this paper before that seminar meeting!
03/17/10: I have posted the papers by Cohen, Van Cleve, and Vogel (that Mike mentioned in seminar this week) on bootstrapping/easy knowledge.
03/10/10: I have posted a neat paper by Sergio Tennenbaum on "theoretical akrasia". I have also posted chapters 6 and 7 from Audi's Epistemology. These provide a nice background on the "received view" of inferential knowledge that I was discussing in seminar today.
03/09/10: I have posted an updated version of Justin's manuscript. He will be presenting his own error theory (an alternative to Niko's, which he discussed a couple of weeks ago) in the last meeting of the seminar.
02/26/10: I have posted the readings for next week. The main thing to read is the paper by Rebecca. There is also some useful background reading from Kant and Korsgaard. The readings for week 6 are now up as well.
02/09/10: The seminar will not meet next Tuesday, February 16th. We'll be back on track the following week (the 23rd). See the syllabus for details of the schedule (I've also added some new readings, etc.)
01/29/10: Mike Titelbaum will be a guest presenter on March 16. So, instead of talking about disagreement that week, we'll be talking about bootstrapping. See the syllabus for details.
01/25/10: Handouts are now available for both of Jim Joyce's two talks this week. Here they are (see, also, the syllabus page).
01/19/10: The second meeting of the seminar will be Thursday, January 28, 4–6pm in the Dennes Room. And, Jim Joyce will be our guest presenter. Check the syllabus page for background readings, etc.; and, check the notes page for handouts, etc.
01/19/10: From the third meeting (Feb. 2) on, the seminar will be meeting in 102 Barrows.