% Basic MACE input file for reasoning about interpretability logics % For further MACE options, see McCune's MACE website % % http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/AR/mace/ % % Remove "%" symbol from front of line to activate it (uncomment it) % % Example MACE input: "mace -N 4 -p 1 < interp_mace.txt" looks for % models up to size 4, and then prints out the first model found. set(process_input). list(usable). % Rule of Modus Ponens -P(i(x,y)) | -P(x) | P(y). % Rule of Necessitation -P(x) | P(L(x)). % L1 % % Luka's axioms for classical propositional logic (PL) % % With definitions of other connectives P(i(i(x,y),i(i(y,z),i(x,z)))). P(i(i(n(x),x),x)). P(i(x,i(n(x),y))). % Axioms of basic system IL -- translated into P(i(L(i(x,y)),i(L(x),L(y)))). % L2 P(i(L(x),L(L(x)))). % L3 P(i(L(i(L(x),x)),L(x))). % L4 P(i(L(i(x,y)),I(x,y))). % J1 P(i(n(i(I(x,y),n(I(y,z)))),I(x,z))). % J2 P(i(n(i(I(x,y),n(I(z,y)))),I(i(n(x),z),y))). % J3 P(i(I(x,y),I(n(L(n(x))),n(L(n(y)))))). % J4 P(I(n(L(n(x))),x)). % J5 % Further formulas of interest (to assert) % P(i(I(x,y),L(I(x,y)))). % P % P(i(I(x,y),I(n(i(x,n(L(z)))),n(i(y,n(L(z))))))). % M P(i(I(x,y),I(x,n(i(y,n(L(n(x)))))))). % W % P(i(I(x,n(L(n(y)))),L(I(x,y)))). % P$_0$ P(i(I(x,y),I(n(i(n(L(n(x))),n(L(z)))),n(i(y,n(L(z))))))). % M$_0$. % P(i(I(x,n(L(n(y)))),L(I(x,n(L(n(y))))))). % C % % Denials of some formulas of interest (to refute) % -P(i(L(A),I(n(A),n(i(B,B))))) | $ANS(K3a). % -P(i(I(n(A),n(i(B,B))),L(A))) | $ANS(K3b). % -P(I(A,i(n(A),n(L(n(A)))))) | $ANS(K1a). % -P(I(i(n(A),n(L(n(A)))),A)) | $ANS(K1b). % -P(I(A,n(i(A,n(L(n(A))))))) | $ANS(K2a). % -P(i(I(a,b),L(I(a,b)))) | $ANS(P). % -P(i(I(a,b),I(n(i(a,n(L(c)))),n(i(b,n(L(c))))))) | $ANS(M). % -P(i(I(a,b),I(a,n(i(b,n(L(n(a)))))))) | $ANS(W). -P(i(I(a,n(L(n(b)))),L(I(a,b)))) | $ANS(P_0). % -P(i(I(a,b),I(n(i(n(L(n(a))),n(L(c)))),n(i(b,n(L(c))))))) | $ANS(M_0). % -P(i(I(a,n(L(n(b)))),L(I(a,n(L(n(b))))))) | $ANS(C). end_of_list.